by Datadog

Observability Theater

Presented by RapDev: Tools of the Trade: How RapDev Uses Vector to Enhance and Accelerate Datadog Deployments

Date & Location

June 25 | 1:30 PM EDT | Observability Theater

Vector is an extremely powerful data pipeline tool that can be used to assist you in a wide variety of observability use cases. With extensive experience deploying and configuring Vector across a wide variety of clients, RapDev has leveraged Vector in some very unique ways.

We will provide you with insights into some of the lessons we've learned along the way. We think you will walk away from this feeling empowered on how to leverage Vector for some of the trickier observability challenges you may be facing at your organization. 

Some examples include:

 -Routing business data to analytics tools

 -Splitting log streams, log filtering and transformation

 -Dual-writing data to multiple destinations during observability tool validation


by Datadog