by Datadog


Accelerate Developer Productivity with Test Visibility and Intelligent Test Runner

Skill level


Date & Location

August 02 | 2:00 PM PDT | Room 2022

This workshop will show you how to get started with Datadog Test Visibility and Intelligent Test Runner. After instrumenting an application with Test Visibility, you will learn how to detect, triage, debug, and remediate flaky tests. You will learn how to proactively identify test performance regressions that manifest over time as well as those introduced by your commit. Learn how to track code coverage over time and set up alerts when new flaky tests are identified. This workshop will also show you how to set up and configure Intelligent Test Runner to only run the subset of tests impacted by a given code change, which can ultimately help reduce your team’s testing time by 50 to 90 percent.

by Datadog