by Datadog

Observability Theater

Presented by RapDev: Driving Success with Datadog - Vector and Tool Migrations/Consolidations

Date & Location

August 02 | 4:30 PM PDT | Observability Theater

Organizations more than ever are trying to reduce costs through tool consolidation and are looking to identify the true “platforms” from which to run their business. Datadog is one of the few solutions positioned extremely well to capture this market as evidenced by the many leaders who buy into the Datadog story and are eager to move in this direction. The challenge? Once they’re bought in, the questions come:

•Who’s going to do the work? We don’t have the skillset or resources for that. •How will we train everyone? •Can we get this done before the next renewal? There’s not enough time. •How do we migrate what’s critical from the old while still implementing best practices in the new? •How do we drive the required shift in culture? •How do we ensure no gaps in visibility during the migration?

Join us to learn how to put these concerns to rest and how Vector can play a critical role.

by Datadog