by Datadog

Observability Theater

Best Practices for Using OpenTelemetry with Datadog

Date & Location

August 02 | 3:00 PM PDT | Observability Theater

OpenTelemetry (OTel) is one of the fastest growing open source projects with the second largest contributor base, second only to Kubernetes. Organizations of all sizes are adopting OTel to collect observability telemetry from any source in their environment and send it to any backend, including Datadog. From its early days, Datadog has been committed to supporting the open source community in general, and OTel in particular—from open sourcing our Agent to donating our original instrumentation libraries and contributing to the OTel project. In parallel, we’ve been working hard to ensure our customers get the same best-in-class experience regardless of their setup. In this session, you will learn about the different ways in which Datadog supports its customers who choose to use OTel, including our newly OTel API-first Tracing Libraries and support for container monitoring via the Datadog Exporter in the OTel Collector. Complemented by a demo, you will also understand the key technical requirements for monitoring OTel-instrumented applications, such as W3C trace context, container tagging, seamless integration between RUM and APM, and more.

by Datadog