by Datadog

Observability Theater

Best Practices for Planning Your Datadog Adoption Journey with an Observability Maturity Model

Date & Location

August 02 | 2:00 PM PDT | Observability Theater

According to an Enterprise Strategy Group report, many organizations are using an average of 12+ monitoring tools. The sprawl of monitoring tools not only results in increased costs, but also leads to more information silos, slower troubleshooting, and less effective communication and collaboration between individuals and teams. In light of such inefficiencies, more organizations are consolidating their monitoring into a single platform for all their observability and security needs. In this session, we’ll walk through the key benefits and differentiators of Datadog’s unified observability and security platform and introduce an observability maturity model that you can use as a guidepost for your personal observability journey. You will learn how Datadog is not only building industry-leading, purpose-built tools such as APM and Serverless Monitoring, but also seamlessly integrates them together to help organizations improve their business resiliency and accelerate their digital initiatives.

by Datadog