Subject: Attend DASH 2023?

Hi [your manager’s name],

Here’s a conference that can push our team forward: DASH by Datadog 2023. I’d really like to attend.

It’s going to be in San Francisco on August 2–3 and is packed with sessions for both DevOps and security on what’s new in monitoring infrastructure, cloud costs and architectures, services, on-call processes, and automation. Most important though, there will be hands-on learning in DevOps, monitoring, and security that can add a lot of new skills to our team.

At the conference, I’d like to focus my attention on finding strategic solutions for these projects:

  • [add project or initiative]

  • [add project or initiative]

  • [add project or initiative]

I have identified several key sessions that I will have the opportunity to attend during the conference:

[visit to select sessions] DASH 2023 is a great way to extend our knowledge of and best practices in observability. I’d be happy to do a learning session with the team about my key takeaways after attending. The cost of attending is only [cost of DASH ticket + cost of applicable travel].

Thanks for considering my request and I look forward to hearing back! [your name]